Everyone has a dark side..,
Dark Captive is an exclusive collection of dark erotic romance stories featuring alpha men with fierce sexual appetites. They'll stop at nothing to get what they want. And they have their sights on one man. Possessive and bold, these heroes give their conquests exactly what they crave—to be taken … to be owned. Any resistance offered will be tested, but in the end love rules.
Kidnapping, abduction, and sexual slavery are just a few of the titillating taboo themes in this hand-picked manlove anthology.
Dark Captive is an exclusive collection of dark erotic romance stories featuring alpha men with fierce sexual appetites. They'll stop at nothing to get what they want. And they have their sights on one man. Possessive and bold, these heroes give their conquests exactly what they crave—to be taken … to be owned. Any resistance offered will be tested, but in the end love rules.
Kidnapping, abduction, and sexual slavery are just a few of the titillating taboo themes in this hand-picked manlove anthology.

At The Warehouse, boys are taken young and forced into slavery.
T grew up there and is considered too old for most of the clients so the boss
is willing to let them rough him up more than usual. But that changes when the
man who's supposed to be guarding him takes him away.
Diego wanted to avoid The Warehouse and the bad memories it
held, but he’s sent there to act as a guard. When he realizes that a young man
is being whipped to death, his anger forces him into action and he escapes with
the slave.
But having a vulnerable companion brings out some very dark
urges in Diego. Can T become the victim Diego needs? Can Diego avoid becoming
the monster he despises?
“Mm hmm.” Ty lay
face down on the bed, relaxed and content. He focussed on the feeling of
Diego’s fingers on his skin. Everywhere Diego touched tingled. Ty couldn’t
remember the last time anyone had handled him so gently. As the contact went
on, Ty became increasingly aroused and he shifted on the bed to ease the
discomfort of lying with his hard cock poking a mattress.
The touch vanished
and Ty let out a tiny whimper. “Don’t stop,” he whispered.
The bed bounced a
bit as Diego stood. With a sigh, Ty lifted his head to look at where Diego
stood looking through a crack in the curtains. Getting to his feet, Ty
approached Diego.
“What’s wrong?” Ty
reached out and touched Diego’s shoulder causing the older man to jerk away and
stride to the other side of the room.
“Don’t touch me.”
Diego’s voice carried a hint of a growl.
Ty didn’t want to
push Diego too hard, but he couldn’t figure out why he was reacting this way.
“Why did you save me?”
Diego’s eyes
widened. “Seriously? You think I saved you to have you for myself?”
Ty shrugged. “Why else
would you do it?”
“Listen, kid. I’m
at least ten years older than you, and I may have dragged you out of that hell
hole, but I am not a good guy.”
Undeterred, Ty
approached Diego again. “You’re a good guy to me.”
In a blur of
motion, Diego grabbed Ty’s arm and yanked him forward. Ty cried out as Diego
slammed him against the wall and grabbed him by the throat. With the older man
pinning him against the wall and the wounds on his back screaming in protest,
there was little Ty could do. When he looked into Diego’s eyes, the excitement
glittering in them sent a thrill of fear through him.
“Would you change
your mind if I told you that I get off on seeing the fear in your eyes? That I
enjoy causing pain when I fuck?”
Ty struggled to
draw breath and grabbed at Diego’s arm to try and pry the fingers off his
throat, but Diego’s grip was too tight. It occurred to Ty that he might be in
more trouble now than he had been back at The Warehouse. As he fought against
Diego’s hold, the older man pressed his groin to Ty’s, grinding a sizeable
erection against him. And then Ty realized that in spite of the fear, in spite
of force being used against him, he was just as turned on as Diego.
Join the Party with Evernight and their Authors:
Facebook Party: Thursday, May 26th:
$50 Evernight GC Giveaway
Visit all of the tour stops to find out more about each story in this amazing anthology!
Dark Captive MM Anthology
Taylor Brooks http://authortaylorbrooks.blogspot.com
Sensuous Promos http://sensuouspromos.blogspot.com
Lea’s Crazy Nights https://leabronsen.com/crazy-nights-blog/
Liz’s Reading Life https://lizjosette.blogspot.com
Michelle Graham www.michellegrahambooks.com
Ravenna Tate http://ravennatate.blogspot.com
The Book Pub http://thebookpub.blogspot.com/
Donina Lynn doninalynn.com
Kitty’s Book Spot! 2kasmom.Booklikes.com
Gay Fiction Addiction https://www.facebook.com/ericsbooklove
(this will be a facebook blurb post and not an excerpt containing blog post)
Blog Reviews Janis F https://bookreviewsjanisf.com/
Illustrious Illusions Www.illustriousillusions.com
Wallflower Gone Wild http://ambermorganwrites.weebly.com/
Love Bites and Silk Ties http://lovebitessilkties.blogspot.co.uk/
Michelle Roth http://michelleroth.net/blog
Nicole Morgan http://nicolemorganauthor.blogspot.com/
Jules Dixon www.julesdixon.com/blog-3/
Darkest Cravings http://darkestcravings.blogspot.com
Nic’s Book Nook http://nicsbooknook.blogspot.com/
Wulf Tracks http://rosewulf.blogspot.com/
Erzabets Enchantments Http://erzabetsenchantments.blogspot.com
Bound by Passion http://www.boundbypassion.ca/
Nessie’s Place https://nesiesplace.wordpress.com
Nikki’s Nofsinger http://nikkitrueblue.blogspot.com/
Begin in the Dark http://naomiclarkwrites.blogspot.co.uk/
L.D. Blakeley www.ldblakeley.com/blog
Sage Marlowe http://sage-marlowe.blogspot.com/
Pick a Genre Already http://pickagenrealready.blogspot.ca
Nicki Day http://nickiday.blogspot.com/
Andrew Jericho http://andrewjericho.com/
Thanks so much for hosting our anthology :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting our book tour.
ReplyDeleteThanks for featuring my story from the Dark Captive antho!